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  • Eye Exercises for Better Vision

    It’s no secret that our eyes are incredibly sensitive, so finding ways to reduce straining is always recommended. Many people find themselves at a computer screen for most of the day, followed by playing on their phone or watching TV in the evening. This can cause serious strain and discomfort over time, but luckily there are some eye exercises that temporarily soothe the eyes. Here are some eye exercises and tips for maintaining good eye health:


    These simple exercises can be a great way to take a break from what you’re doing, and give your eyes some time to readjust. Start by finding a quiet place to perform these exercises without distractions. Palming is a technique that promotes relaxation in the eye muscles with the use of your own body heat. Begin by rubbing your hands together to generate warmth, then cup your palms up to your eyes without applying pressure. Take a few deep breaths and relax while keeping your eyes covered. Focus on the warmth and darkness created by your palms, and allow your mind to decompress. When you open your eyes, blink gently to rehydrate and refresh your eyes. 

    Figure 8

    To build flexibility in the eyes, try a technique called “the figure 8”. Visualize a large, horizontal figure-eight or infinity sign in front of you. The imaginary figure-eight should be positioned at eye level and should be large enough to require your eyes to move in a smooth, continuous motion to trace its shape. Perform this exercise for about 30 seconds, focusing on your gaze. After you’ve completed the exercise in one direction, reverse the direction of the figure-eight and continue to follow it with your eyes for another 30 seconds to a minute. Once you finish, close your eyes and take a few seconds to blink.

    Eye exercises can sound silly, but can help refresh the state of your eyes throughout the day. As we demand a lot from the use of our sight, taking a moment to rest our eyes might just be worth it. In any event you require eye surgical procedures, remember to follow aftercare instructions, including wearing eye protection. To learn more about protective eye-gear, contact us today or visit our website!

  • Cataract Surgery: Procedure & Recovery

    Though we all may dread aging, it is completely inevitable. We may start to notice the decline of our immune systems as well as the strength of our bones, but everyone goes through it eventually. Another unfortunate loss is the quality of our sight, resulting in stronger prescription glasses or the development of cataracts. Cataracts are relatively common amongst older age groups and can make it very difficult to see clearly. The good news is, there is a solution in the form of a surgery. To become better prepared, take the time to research cataract surgery, learn about the procedure and the required recovery period.

    What is a Cataract? 

    A cataract is a cloudy film that grows over the lens of the eye. As we age, the protein and fibers that make up the eye will gradually deteriorate. Risks of cataracts can be higher due to genetics or health oriented problems, but aging is the number one reason. To know if you have a cataract, your symptoms would be blurry or cloudy vision, poor vision at night, faded coloration, and can experience uneven distribution of light. 


    If cataracts begin to affect your quality of life, you might consider surgery to remove them. The surgery consists of numbing the eyes, making a small incision of the cornea, and breaking up the cataract for removal. The surgeon will then insert your new lens, following with the application of a protective eyeshield


    When it comes to the recovery period, you can expect some soreness or minimal discomfort. This can be fixed with the use of over the counter prescriptions. Your doctor will encourage you to refrain from driving, wearing makeup, swimming, or most physical activities for a few days. Aftercare will likely include daily drops, and wearing your eyeshield during the day and especially while sleeping. You will need to protect the surgical area to avoid damage or injury. Obey the length of time your surgeon recommends wearing your protective eye shields, as well as the suggestive eye shield type. Eye protection is a priority of ours to help patients protect their improved vision. With any surgery, you must prepare to stay committed to the recovery process. To learn more about what you might need post-op, contact us today!

  • The Best Options After LASIK

    Any ocular surgery requires a suitable amount of rest, patience, and follow-up appointments. Your eyes can be very sensitive, especially after an invasive operation. For a safe and speedy recovery, it is usually recommended to keep your eyes shielded to prevent damage. Specifically speaking, after LASIK surgery.

    What is LASIK?

    LASIK surgery is an ocular procedure meant to repair the patient’s vision to where they no longer have to wear glasses or contacts. With the use of a laser, your surgeon will precisely cut and change the shape of your cornea. This is done to manipulate how light hits your retina, resulting in corrected sight. This surgery will restore any errors in your sight, as well as your quality of life. 

    Recovery Process

    Positive news is that most patients see an immediate difference in their sight after the procedure is complete. Just like all other surgeries, there will be a required recovery period to complete the treatment. The healing phase lasts for about 3-6 months, but eye protection should be worn for the 5 nights following your surgery. When you sleep, you may have very little control of your movement. One wrong swipe could interfere with your operation site, so it is best to protect your eyes with shields. 

    Eye Shields

    At Eyeshield Technology, it is our job to provide you or your company with the best quality eye protection. Having a variety of options, we suggest choosing whichever your doctor recommends. Tinted shields will provide you with vision, but also protect your freshly operated eyes from harsh rays of light. Your eyes will be sensitive for many days, but will gradually become stronger. Clear eye shields will serve as protection from interference during sleep, but will not prevent light from shining in. Keeping the eyes undisturbed is key, so choose whichever will suit your lifestyle.

    LASIK surgery is known to improve one’s sight and is an extremely safe procedure. Providing your eyes with the proper protection will expedite recovery and will ensure proper healing. 
    To learn more about what eye protection best suits your needs, contact us today!